To sign a transaction a user / an account would need to have to have been register and authenticated by going through Register using SDK flow.
Since you will be directly authenticating with DOA here, you don't need to go through authentication step. Here is a code sample:
Copy import { Passport } from "@0xpass/passport";
import { stringToHex } from "viem";
import { Passport } from "@0xpass/passport";
import { KeySigner } from "@0xpass/key-signer";
const signer = new KeySigner(process.env.PRIVATE_KEY!, true);
const passport = new Passport({
scopeId: "insert_your_scope_id",
signer: signer
const userInput {
username: "insert_registered_username_here"
userDisplayName: "insert_registered_user_display_name_here"
await passport.setupEncryption();
//This step is different for direct authentication
// Transaction Can be of type legacy (0x0),
// EIP2930 (0x01) or EIP1559 (0x02)
const transaction = {
nonce: "0",
maxPriorityFeePerGas: "0x9184E72A",
maxFeePerGas: "0x9184E72A",
to: "0xb89FF4E9AD6B33F69153fa710F9849f51712eEc4",
gas: "0x7530",
value: "0x2386F26FC10000",
chainId: "0x7A69",
type: "0x02"
// Generate a threshold signature
const signature = await passport.signTransaction(transaction);
console.log(signature); // This is an rlp encoded transaction signature
signTransaction Parameters
A successful response will return the following, an RLP encoded transaction signature from the authenticated account that can be executed as a raw transaction.
Copy {
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": "signed_transaction_here",
"id": 1