API Request Setup
To interact with the Passport Protocol API, there are two types of requests "Unauthenticated" which don't require an authenticated user account, and "Authenticated" which do require an authenitcated user account. The following provides information on how the request headers for each request type works and the reasoning behind them, but you can skip to Unauthenticated Requests or Authenticated Requests to see how these headers are setup.
Unauthenticated Requests
RPC request methods such as
executeLambda (* depends on the lambda authorization type)
These request methods are "unauthenticated", and require you to use the 2 following request headers x-scope-id
and x-encrypted-key
Identifies the application's scope under which the user's account is being registered or authenticated. It contextualizes the request to a specific domain, enabling correct policy and procedure.
End to End Encryption
Carries an encrypted version of AES key for the server to securely process the request, especially for operations requiring encryption or decryption of user data. AES Key is random and generated locally on your device. This key is then encrypted by using Public Enclave RSA Key. You can find this key in any of the SDK examples.
User Identifier
Carries an encrypted version of user details for the server to securely process the request. This is encrypted using the aes key which is generated above. Here is a sample user details
Authenticated Requests
Authentication headers are essential for maintaining session integrity, authenticating user actions, and ensuring secure interactions. These apply to the following endpoints:
executeLambda (* depends on the lambda authorization type)
Any authenticated request must containone of the following 3 headers:
This is obtained by directly singing the user object using your passkeys
This is obtained by directly singing the user object using your DOA key.
End to End Encryption
Carries an encrypted version of AES key for the server to securely process the request, especially for operations requiring encryption or decryption of user data. AES Key is random and generated locally on your device. This key is then encrypted by using Public Enclave RSA Key. You can find this key in any of the SDK examples.
User Identifier
Carries an encrypted version of user details for the server to securely process the request. This is encrypted using the aes key which is generated above. Here is a sample user details
Identifies the application's scope under which the user's account is being registered or authenticated. It contextualizes the request to a specific domain, enabling correct policy and procedure.
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